Patients Struggle with Past Due Bills

Patients Struggle with Past Due Bills and Hospitals are Suing Thousands.
Hospitals are turning out to be some of America’s toughest debt collectors, many are going as far as suing their patients and many are their own employees.
We understand that in reality it’s just business. Hospitals need their overhead covered to stay open and patients have healthcare needs that are often unexpected. No one prepares ahead of time for an emergency hospital visit.
Unfortunately, most patients that are being sued for unpaid claims have insurance, they are just underinsured and can’t cover the difference.
For example, read what happened to Misti Price in New Mexico according to the New York Times.
…“The first time Carlsbad Medical Center sued Misti Price, she was newly divorced and working two jobs to support her three young children.
The hospital demanded payment in 2012 for what Ms. Price recalled as an emergency room visit for one of her children who has asthma. She could not afford a lawyer, and she did not have the money to pay the bill.
Ms. Price let the summons go unanswered, figuring she would settle the balance — with interest, about $3,600 — when she could. A few months later, she opened her paycheck and discovered the hospital had garnished her wages by $870 a month.
Her car was soon repossessed because she could no longer make the payments. She was on the verge of losing her house, too, when her mortgage company stepped in to help her save it.”
Luckily for Misti she had a mortgage company that helped her offset her unpaid medical fees...
Not everyone has a Plan B in place or even realizes that there are other options that they can apply for.
CoverMe has created a solution that will bridge the gap between a hospital’s necessary need for cash flow and the patients needs to not only get their health looked after but also be able to sleep at night knowing that their bills are being paid.
No one wants to make that unexpected emergency room visit, much less face a day in court over it. How can we meet in the middle and create solutions in America’s healthcare system?
Contact Us and schedule a demo today.